light in forest

Medicine Earth

Medicine Earth offers courses, ceremonies and guidance for you to learn ways to reconnect with Mother Earth, yourself and the Cosmos. Reconnecting and learning to work with the living energies all around and inside you has the ability to empower yourself.  Learn to live in a harmonious and empowered way.

setting sun shines trough trees


Expand your conciousness.

despacho ceremony pink flower and bells


Learn more about the sacred traditions of the Inka. 

ceremonial fire


Nourish your soul through the art of ceremony .

Open your heart for the miracles of mother earth

Hi. I’m Saskia.

I walk the path of a Paqo of the Andean Tradition. This means to walk in alignment with Mother Earth and the Cosmos. I share my gifts through teaching, art and healing. I am passionate about guiding you to live a life in alignment with your highest potential. I am helping you unearth your unique potential and live a fulfilled life by sharing ancient shamanic practices of connecting and being in ceremony with mother earth. By connecting deeper to nature we connect deeper within ourselves.  It’s a journey of integration and harmonizing with life itself. I invite you on this journey with me.

Medicine Earth Saskia

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